SeCAPS 2025 Agenda

Saturday, March 29th

7:45 am: Registration (Refreshments Available)

8:15 am: Welcome and Opening remarks - Dr. Sytske Kimball

8:25 am: Spinning into Consistency: Navigating the Vortex of Tornado Warning Consistency through the Implementation of Specific VROT Training and Criteria, Brandon Black, National Weather Service, Mobile, AL

8:40 am: Research to Operations, A Post-Event Analysis on the Performance of Impact-Based Warning Tags Utilizing Local Research for the February 12th, 2025 Wayne and Clarke County Significant Tornadoes, Michael Murgrage, National Weather Service, Mobile, AL

8:55 am: KISS: Keep It Simple, Scientists! Examining visual complexity in contemporary TV weathercasts, Robert Gauthreaux, Texas Tech University

9:10 am: Beyond the Bay: The South Alabama Mesonet Upgrades and Expansion Dr. Sytske Kimball, University of South Alabama

9:25 am: Break/Networking

9:45 am: Keynote: The transformation of the U.S National Weather Service: Building a new operating model by positioning expertise and probabilistic data with decision makers and modernizing technology, science, and service Brian LaMarre, National Weather Service 

10:30 am: More Than Just Forecasting, Morgan Barry, National Weather Service, Mobile, AL

10:45 am: Break/Networking 

11:00 am: The Hurricane Hunters, Mark McCoy, Aerial Reconnaissance Weather Officer 

11:15 am: Improving Ohio Valley Tornado Warnings , John Gordon, Retired MIC National Weather Service, Louisville, KY

11:30 am: Planning for Retirement, Alan Sealls, Retired Broadcast Meteorologist

11:45 am: Lunch (provided)/Networking

1:30 pm: Keynote: Hurricane Katrina: 20 Years Later, Tim Marshall, Damage Assessment Meteorologist and Engineer

2:15 pm: Weather Balloon Launch - USA Staff at the Department of Earth and Life Science Building Parking lot

2:30 pm: Break/Networking

2:45 pm: Synoptic Briefing, Ryan Gruver and Jack Kennedy, USA Senior Meteorology Students 

3:30 pm: Poster Session, Break/Networking

5:00 pm: Mixer - Reservation at BJs Brewhouse on Airport Blvd 

Sunday March 30th

8:00 am: Registration (refreshments available)

8:15 am: Where the Sidewalk Ends: Wine, Climate Change, and 2 Problems, Dr. Steven Schultze, University of South Alabama

8:30 am: The K-12 Weather Ready Nation Course, Dr. John Lanicci, University of South Alabama

8:45 am: Keynote: Engaging Your Audience with Astronomy, Tony Rice, Data Scientist and NASA Volunteer 

9:30 am: Résumé/Interview Practice Workshop, John Gordon, Retired MIC National Weather Service, Louisville, KY

10:15 am: Break/Networking

10:30 am: April 10, 2024 Wake Low Event: How Dixie Electric Cooperative is using the Power Outage Potential   Index Forecast to Prepare for Extreme Weather Events, Kyle Roebling, GIS Analyst

10:45 am: Break/Networking

11:00 am: Keynote: Forensic Meteorology, and Fake Photos, Alan Sealls, Retired Broadcast Meteorologist  

11:45 am: Lunch (provided)

1:00 pm: Every Scientist Should Know How to Code, Tony Rice, Data Scientist and NASA Volunteer 

1:30 pm: January 2025 Gulf Coast Snow Storm Panel, Brandon Black and Michael Murgrage (NWS Mobile, AL) and Nicholas Herboso (Fox 10 in Mobile, AL)

3:00 pm: Closing Remarks - Dr. Jacob Wiley, University of South Alabama 

For previous agendas, click here!