Frequently Asked Questions

▼   What is Concur?

Concur is a travel and expense management software system designed to automate the travel and expense process. The University of South Alabama has made a very important investment in order to better handle travel and expense management.

▼   How do I gain access to Concur?
Training is required to gain access to Concur. If you will be using Concur for travel purposes then you will need Concur Travel Training. If you will be obtaining a PCard then Concur PCard training is required. Scheduled sessions for both are found on the Concur website.
▼   Who will be required to be trained in Concur?
Anyone that has a role as it pertains to travel, as well as any employee that will hold a Procurement Card will be required to be trained in Concur. 
▼   What browser should I use?
The latest possible browser should be used. Chrome and/or Firefox are most compatible with Concur.
▼   When do you need a card?
If you travel out-of-state on behalf of the University or you make procurement purchase, you may need a card. Distribution of the University card will depend on individual and departmental need.
▼   When does travel become taxable?

Travel may become taxable if any of the conditions below are met:

  • Reimbursements made where the travel forms are filed subsequent to 60 days after the date the expense is paid will be treated as income subject to withholding according to federal income tax regulations section 1.62-2.
  •  Federal and State tax regulations consider reimbursement for meal expenses incurred during out-of-state travel not requiring an overnight stay to be taxable income.
  • Federal and State tax regulations consider reimbursement for meal allowances paid to University Employee for in-state travel not requiring an overnight stay to be taxable income.
▼   What documentation is needed as backup for travel?

Receipts other than meals, and any other documentation of the total costs of the trip (including any prepaid expenses) must be attached to and submitted along with the travel reimbursement form. The state requires that the time frame for which travel is being reimbursed as well as meals provided be documented and justified.  This may be accomplished by adding the conference agenda or at-a-glance information.

▼   Will the University reimburse me for travel insurance on my airline ticket?

No. The University will not reimburse for travel insurance on airline tickets. 

▼   What insurance will the University reimburse?

When renting an automobile for business use, University employees are covered by the University's automobile liability coverage while on official business trips; however, collision damage to the rental vehicle is the responsibility of the employee. The employee may be reimbursed for collision damage waiver coverage as part of the rental costs, if the employee's personal automobile insurance is not considered adequate for the potential risk of damage to the rental vehicle.

▼   Can I claim  my mileage starting at my residence?

Generally, mileage may not be claimed starting at your residence. Employees will be reimbursed for local personal automobile mileage at the federal standard mileage rate while on official University business. Employees are expected to travel the most reasonable and direct route to their destination. However, there are a few factors to consider when calculating mileage:

  • Employees are entitled to a mileage allowance from their base station to their destination and return or for miles actually traveled from home to their destination and return, whichever is less.
  • Normal commutes from the employee's home to their work base are not considered local travel and will not be reimbursed.
  • If an employee travels directly to a location from their home that is not their work base, but exceeds their normal commuting distance the employee is entitled to reimbursement but only to the extent that the total miles driven exceeds the employees' normal commuting mileage. This provision applies on both regularly scheduled workdays and non-regularly scheduled work days. 
▼   What if I want to add personal days to my trip?

An employee must document, at the time airline tickets are tentatively reserved, the airfare as if the trip has not been extended, and submit this documentation with the travel reimbursement form. The employee should also attach to the travel reimbursement form a calculation comparing the cost of the extended trip to the cost had the trip not been extended.

▼    Can I rent a car when I go to the conference?

 As a general rule, the University does not accept transportation to and and from the airport, to and from meals, or sightseeing as justification for renting a vehicle. Prior written approval from the department head, with proper justification, must be obtained before you travel.

▼   Will Students or Guest complete expense reports in Concur?

No. Student and Guest travel will continue to be submitted in paper format.

▼   What is the difference between "allocate" and "itemize"?

To "allocate" is to charge out to a different Fund-Org-Prog code(s) other than your default. You can allocate by percentage or dollar amount.

To "itemize" is to break down the total amount of an expense.