Research Request

A mid-twentieth century image showing the ships that made up the "ghost fleet" docked
in the Tensaw River. Stephens Croom papers.
Research Fees
The Doy Leale McCall Rare Book and Manuscript Library charges $30.00 per hour (with
the first hour payable in advance) for all requests that require our staff to conduct
protracted research in our collections. The McCall Library defines "protracted" research
as research requiring more than one-half hour's time. If more than one hour of research
is required to fully complete a research request, the patron will be notified before
additional fees are charged. If nothing is found, no more than one hour's charge will
be assessed.
We cannot perform research that requires using sources outside of those held by us. Researchers are encouraged, in those cases, to locate an independent researcher.
Additional fees will be charged for long-distance telephone calls, photocopying, and postage.
- Fees for photocopies are charged based on the number of pages, assuming that copies can be made without damage to the originals.
- Oversized documents, such as maps and blueprints, are $20 minimum.
- Mailing charges are based on the number of pages.
Prices are subject to change without notification.
Please allow at least ten working days after receipt of payment for your research request to be processed.
Please make checks payable to: The McCall Library
Photocopying, Black & White (Letter and Legal)
Number of Copies | Per page Cost |
1-200 | $ .25 |
201-500 | .35 |
501-1,000 | .50 |
1,001 and above | 1.00 |
Photocopying, Black & White (11 x 17)
$1.00 per page
Mailing Charges
Photocopies (All Sizes)
Number of Pages | Cost |
1-25 | $ 7.00 |
26-50 | 7.50 |
51-75 | 8.00 |
76-100 | 8.50 |
101-125 | 9.00 |
126-150 | 9.50 |
151-175 | 10.00 |
176-200 | 10.50 |
201-225 | 11.00 |
226-250 | 11.50 |
251-275 | 12.00 |
276-300 | 12.50 |
301 plus | 13.00 |