Making & Canceling Appointments

The USA Psychology Clinic requires an application for all services. All applications go into an applicant pool, and applications are selected based on the needs of our training clinic. Learn more about applying for services.
Your First Appointment
Please arrive 15 minutes prior to your first session to complete initial paperwork. Minors must be accompanied by a legal guardian who can sign their forms.
Canceling an Appointment
If you cannot attend a scheduled appointment, we ask that you call at least 24 hours in advance to cancel. Clients who "no-show" three appointments may be terminated from services.
Our Commitment
We believe that it is essential for the patient/client to maintain a personal commitment to therapy for successful treatment to occur. Therefore, we cannot stress enough the importance of keeping all scheduled appointments with your clinician.
We also recognize that emergencies arise at inopportune times. If you must miss an appointment due to illness or emergency, please contact the office as far in advance of your scheduled meeting time as possible.